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No Charges Brought

Felony Theft of Services

Client lived out of state and bought a HVAC unit from a Kentucky company. The company installed a lesser quality unit than the client purchased and did not install the unit properly. The client went out-of-pocket to use another installer to get the HVAC unit working properly. After negotiations between the client and the company, the company refused to give him any refund. The client attempted to dispute the charges with his credit card company, and after a thorough investigation which the company elected not to participate in, the credit card company reversed the payment and refunded the client. The company then sought a criminal arrest warrant for felony theft of services and presented only partial information to the County Attorney office. After a routine traffic stop for speeding, our client was unexpectedly arrested on felony theft charges. After presenting all of the information to the prosecutor, they ultimately decided to not proceed with charges and dismissed the case.